Test Prep

ACT Test Dates

ACT Test Dates 

Making the Grade’s Practice Tests

February 11, 2017
March (In the School) February 25th (9AM-1PM)
April 8, 2017 March 25th (9AM-1PM)
June 10, 2017 April 29th (9AM-1PM)
May 27th (9AM-1PM)

To register for any practice test, please visit: MTG ACT Program Registration


2017 Chamber of Commerce Kickoff

Chamber of Commerce Annual Kickoff

2017 Richmond Chamber of Commerce Annual Kickoff

On February 6, 2017, Ms. Jenny and Mrs. Renee attended the Richmond Chamber of Commerce Annual Kickoff at the EKU Perkins building. They were joined by dozens of local businesses who are also Chamber members. The meeting was led by the Chamber CEO and president, Mendi Goble. The chair, Myron Fisher, also spoke to the Chamber members.

The meeting centered around the outlook and vision for 2017, which includes raising awareness of the drug issues facing Madison Co. and bettering the community through various projects. Businesses set up tables and Chamber members “shopped” vendors and met other Chamber members.

Making the Grade’s table was very busy engaging other Chamber members by presenting them with a small English quiz to demonstrate skills necessary for success on the ACT. The quiz is listed below. Several people got several questions correct, but no one could get all 5 questions answered correctly! Can you?


Listed here is the English quiz. Try it! Send your answers to Mrs. Renee at [email protected] for a chance to win.

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence:

1. Mrs. Smith, who/whom I saw at the store yesterday, will be our volleyball coach.

2. The cheerleaders or the band is/are going to have to take a separate bus.

3. We/us women like to go shopping on the weekend.

Correct the following sentences:

4. After rotting in the cellar, my brother brought up some oranges.

5. I really had no interest in politics however I did like to stay informed by watching the debates held in Washington D.C. Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Richmond Virginia.


Send your answers to Mrs. Renee at [email protected] for a chance to win!

Thank you for participating!

Test Prep

2017 ACT Test Release Info

Get a Copy of Your ACT Test Questions and Answers!

If you order and pay $20.00 for a Test Information Release (TIR) during the registration process and test at a national test center on a national test date that offers this service, you will receive a copy of the multiple-choice test questions used to determine your score, a list of your answers, and the answer key. (If you took the writing test, you will also receive a copy of the writing prompt, the scoring rubric, and the scores assigned to your essay by two readers.) Information about ordering a photocopy of your answer document (including your essay if you took the writing test) for an additional fee will be included with your materials. We highly recommend getting a copy of your ACT test questions and answers when it is offered.

Which Test Dates Offer this Service?

2016–2017 Saturday National Testing

If you took the ACT test at a national test center on one of the national test dates listed below, you can order a Test Information Release (TIR) when you register, or during the three-month period after your test date. This service is not offered on any other test dates or for any non-national administrations (e.g., International, Special).

  • Saturday, December 10, 2016
  • Saturday, April 8, 2017
  • Saturday, June 10, 2017

When & How Can You Order It?

If you would like to order a Test Information Release during the three-month period after your test date, you should use the Test Information Release Order Form.
Your request must be postmarked no later than three months after the test date. Materials are normally mailed about four weeks after you receive your score report. You cannot expect to receive them before the registration deadline or in time to study for the next test date.
All orders received after score reports are first issued will be mailed three to five weeks after receipt at ACT.

Test Information Release Form

Test Prep

ACT Test Release Info

Get a Copy of Your ACT Test Questions and Answers!

If you order and pay $20.00 for a Test Information Release (TIR) during the registration process and test at a national test center on a national test date that offers this service, you will receive a copy of the multiple-choice test questions used to determine your score, a list of your answers, and the answer key. (If you took the writing test, you will also receive a copy of the writing prompt, the scoring rubric, and the scores assigned to your essay by two readers.) Information about ordering a photocopy of your answer document (including your essay if you took the writing test) for an additional fee will be included with your materials. We highly recommend getting a copy of your ACT test questions and answers when it is offered.

Which Test Dates Offer this Service?

2015–2016 Saturday National Testing

If you took the ACT test at a national test center on one of the national test dates listed below, you can order a Test Information Release (TIR) when you register, or during the three-month period after your test date. This service is not offered on any other test dates or for any non-national administrations (e.g., International, Special).

  • Saturday, December 12, 2015
  • Saturday, April 9, 2016
  • Saturday, June 11, 2016

When & How Can You Order It?

If you would like to order a Test Information Release during the three-month period after your test date, you should use the Test Information Release Order Form.
Your request must be postmarked no later than three months after the test date. Materials are normally mailed about four weeks after you receive your score report. You cannot expect to receive them before the registration deadline or in time to study for the next test date.
All orders received after score reports are first issued will be mailed three to five weeks after receipt at ACT.

Test Information Release Form

Test Prep

ACT Writing Enhanced


Starting in September 2015, ACT will introduce a number of enhancements to the ACT writing test. Key differences between the former and the enhanced designs are outlined below.

To download a writing scoring rubric to see what the new guidelines are.

View a sample writing prompt to see a representative of the prompts that will be used for the ACT writing test.

Writing Prompt

Many elements of the writing prompts will remain the same. For example, the test is still an exercise in argumentative writing, and it continues to measure core competencies that are linked to college and career success.

Modifications to the writing prompt will build on the former design in a few important ways:

Design Modifications Former Design
(Through the June 2015 Test Event)
Enhanced Design
(Beginning in the September 2015 Test Events)
A broader range of engaging subject matter Presents controversies around school-themed issues Presents conversations around contemporary issues
Prompt offers different points of access to the issue Gives positions for/against the issue Offers three diverse perspectives that encourage critical engagement with the issue
Writing task more clearly resembles real-world argumentation Asks students to take a position on the issue Asks students to develop an argument that puts their own perspective in dialogue with others
More structure for planning and more time for composing 30 minutes to plan and compose

Blank space for planning

40 minutes to plan and compose

Guidance and structure for planning and prewriting

Writing Scores

Scoring and reporting for the ACT writing test have also been updated. Instead of one holistic score, students will receive four domain scores, each reflecting a key dimension of writing competency. They will also receive a subject-level Writing Score and an English Language Arts (ELA) Score on the familiar 1–36 scale. This allows for precise evaluation of student writing and a more detailed score report.

Former ACT Writing Scores
(Through the June 2015 Test Event)
Holistic Writing Score 2–12
Combined English/Writing Score 1–36


New ACT Writing Scores
(Beginning in the September 2015 Test Events)
Subject-Level Writing Score 1–36
Individual Domain Scores
Ideas and Analysis 2–12
Development and Support 2–12
Organization 2–12
Language Use and Conventions 2–12
ELA score (an average of the English, reading and writing tests) 1–36
For more information concerning the Writing test of the ACT, please visit their website here.

How Tutors Help Students Dominate Mathematics!


To much math can be a pretty intimidating en devour. Many people will loudly toss around the disclaimer “I’m not good at math” before performing mathematics in front of people. This disclaimer is used to prepare themselves for failure and to avoid feeling embarrassed in front of their peers. The complexity of math scares many people, but with a tutor this fear can be all but eliminated. This article over at NPR gives an in-depth but quick look at the symbiotic relationship tutors have with their students. Students with tutors do better in math class because not only do they get the one on one help they need, but their anxieties about math have been reduced if not eliminated. Tutors inject their students with the confidence needed to tackle any math problem from any number of different approaches. They find their students strengths and teach them utilize these strengths to excel not just in math, but all aspects of academia and life as well. This article is a great read and one we can’t recommend enough! Be sure to visit Study Tips & Strategies for more useful articles.

Study Tips & Strategies

Less is More

less is more

This fascinating article by Clifton B. Parker of the Standford News sheds light on researcher Michael Franks examination of how children best learn and use words they hear. Mr. Frank surmises that the context for how children hear a word is more important than how often its heard. Here’s a brief section from this incredible interesting article: “According to Frank, the study goes beyond simply addressing how often a child is exposed to a word to where and how the child hears the word. In doing so, he said, it provides evidence that what really matters for word learning is that words be used in a context that is distinctive for the child so that he or she can more effectively decode what the speaker is trying to say. In sum, words used in distinctive ways or in specific routines were learned and used by the child earlier than words that were said more frequently”.

Study Tips & Strategies

The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips

AsapScience has put together this great video explaining not just the best way to study math, but how studying anything effects the human brain. No surprise the first tip is not to cram the night before! The human brain is one of the most unique computational devices to ever exist and AsapScience goes to great lengths showing us how to correctly put our brains to work. Be sure to visit our blog for more Study Tips & Strategies.