Making the Grade, LLC will be offering ACT Prep classes for Math, English, Reading, Science as well as a real life ACT test setting throughout the entire year! Click the box below to register for Making the Grade, LLC’s ACT Programs!
The digital ACT is here
You now have a choice between testing formats: paper & pencil or online testing.
ACT Test Dates
October 28, 2023
Registration Deadline: September 22
December 9, 2023
Registration Deadline: November 3
February 10, 2024
Registration Deadline: January 5
April 13, 2024
Registration Deadline: March 8
June 8, 2024
Registration Deadline: May 3
July 13, 2024
Registration Deadline: June 7
ACT Test Outline
The ACT consists of four multiple-choice tests in English, mathematics, reading, and science. The four multiple-choice sections contain 215 questions and take 2 hours and 55 minutes to complete. After the mathematics test, You will be given a 15-minute break.
If you take the optional writing test you will have 40 minutes to complete the essay and will receive an additional 5-minute break before the writing portion begins.
Number of questions: 75
Time allotted: 45 minutes
Measures: Your ability to make decisions to revise and edit short texts and essays in different genres.
Reporting Categories:
Production of Writing (29-32%)
Knowledge of Language (15-17%)
Conventions of Standard English (52-55%)
Scores range from 1 (Low) to 36 (High)
Number of questions: 60
Time allotted: 60 minutes
Measures: The mathematical skills you have typically acquired in courses up to the beginning of grade 12.
Reporting Categories:
Preparing for higher math (57-60%)
- Number & Quantity (7–10%)
- Algebra (12–15%)
- Functions (12–15%)
- Geometry (12–15%)
- Statistics & Probability (8–12%)
Integrating essential skills (40-43%)
Number of questions: 40
Time allotted: 35 minutes
Measures: Your ability to read closely, reason logically about texts using evidence, and integrate information from multiple resources.
Reporting Categories:
Key ideas and details (52-60%)
Craft and structure (25-30%)
Integration of knowledge and ideas (13-23%)
Number of questions: 40
Time allotted: 35 minutes
Measures: The interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning and problem-solving skills required in biology, chemistry, Earth/space sciences and physics.
Reporting Categories:
Interpretation of data (40-50%)
Scientific investigation (20-30%)
Evaluation of Models, inferences, and experimental results (25-35%)
Number of prompts: 1
Time allotted: 40 minutes
Measures: The optional writing section measures writing skills taught in high school English classes and in entry-level college composition courses.
Reporting Categories:
You will receive a total of five scores for this test: a single subject-level writing score reported on a range of 2-12, and four domain scores, also 2-12, that are based on an analytic scoring rubric. The subject-level score will be the rounded average of the four domain scores. The four domain scores are: Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support, Organization, and Language Use and Conventions.
How Schools Use Your ACT Score
As a college entrance exam, higher education institutions are looking at scores to help predict class profiles and overall academic success, and to address other factors needed during admissions and enrollments, including:
Admissions decisions:
Results from the ACT, high school grades, academic preparation, out-of-class accomplishments, and future plans—these and other kinds of information help admissions officials identify applicants who can benefit most from their programs.
Course placement:
Colleges usually try to take into account individual strengths and weaknesses as they place students in first-year courses. For example, a college may offer three sections of a subject—developmental, regular, and advanced. A student’s results on the ACT, academic background, and high school grades might be used to determine which section would be most appropriate.
Academic advising:
College academic advisors may consider results on the ACT, high school academic program, high school grades, planned extracurricular activities, areas in which there is a need for assistance, and part-time employment plans to tailor an appropriate program of study to a student.
Scholarships & loans:
Some scholarship and loan agencies may use results from the ACT information such as high school grades to identify qualified candidates. However, the agencies may not look at academic potential alone. The ACT score report provides information about a student’s educational needs, extracurricular achievements, and educational plans. This information, along with high school grades and test scores, helps the agencies evaluate applications for scholarships, loans, and other financial assistance.

“I only wished I would have used Making the Grade sooner. I realized my son was lagging behind in his high school math his Junior year. Not really through any fault of his own, just a really bad instructor. My son’s self confidence was lacking due to this particular instructor and I wished I would have taken note much sooner. The first thing the tutor did was to tell my son how smart he was and how easy it was going to be to bring up his math scores on ACT testing. You should have seen the delight in his eyes when this tutor recognized my son’s potential!! After 5 short tutoring sessions in ACT Math prep, my son increased his overall ACT score by 3 whole points (math largest increase). His new ACT score was high enough to garner an academic scholarship at his 1st choice out of state college. Needless to say, all this was possible because of Making the Grade tutoring. I have also recommended others to use Making the Grade, knowing they will deliver!!”